web3 scaffold

A starter kit for your next web3 project

web3-scaffold helps you quickly get up and running on your next web3 project. Much like how "create-react-app" includes all the boilerplate and best practices needed for modern frontend development, web3-scaffold does the same but for Ethereum-based web3 projects (NFT websites, marketplaces, exchanges, etc.).


The scaffold was born out of common patterns I was seeing and using in my web3 projects. It uses a modern stack: React/Next.js, Foundry/Forge, and Subgraphs. I've personally used some version of this scaffold to build NFT mint sites, a Twitter clone, and a web-based game. Others have used it to build a collaborative drawing tool, a message board, and more. It's flexible and powerful!

This grant will help make this project financially sustainable to spend time on and allow me to pay out bounties to contributors.