
A truly inclusive and non-gender bias space for all nude artists to be accepted and have their work appreciated.

Over the years I have received constant mockery and negative attention for posing nude as a male, and especially for doing self-portrait work. The general consensus is that straight men are to be demonized/vilified while others are often blindly applauded and celebrated in contrast. When introducing myself as a nude model or self portrait artist in twitter spaces it has never failed to receive the warning of being "tasteful" or "appropriate" which always bothers me as to how people have selective views on who is allowed to pose nude for any work. 21andup.eth will be curated categorically based on specific demographics, body types, ethnicities, etc. I find that when the people who lead these projects are primarily Caucasian, they do the absolute worse job of showing true diversity and only promote images that look like them or what they prefer, and not wholly representative of all people from all walks of life. Success in the art world, especially where nudes and self-expression are concerned, should not be limited to the popular, favored, and well connected. 21andup.eth will achieve this by truly asking people who they are and allowing them to show the world, regardless of what aesthetic they fit into.