
a serverless, adminless, decentralized Reddit alternative built on IPFS.

Plebbit is a protocol and tooling for creating decentralized forum applications like Reddit, Facebook groups, Discourse, etc. It's a pure P2P protocol, it doesn't use any central server, databases, public HTTP end point, DNS, etc. It uses parts of the IPFS and Ethereum stack to create everything it needs: - IPFS for immutable data, like a published comment or a recent subplebbit page. - IPNS for mutable data, like replies to a comment, upvote counts, new posts/comments published on a subplebbit, etc. - IPFS pubsub for authors publishing comments/votes to a subplebbit and for the captcha challenge exchange between authors and subplebbits. - ENS for usernames, community names, and serving the client in browsers.

Full white paper: