CNS: Community Name Service

Policy-based ENS subdomains Issuance Infrastructure

CNS is the policy-based ENS subdomain issuance infrastructure, where ENS holder can conditionally allow their ENS subdomain to be registered for their community. Our product will serve as the extension for the ENS holders, where they will be able to assign CNS policy on who will be eligible to mint the subdomains.

CNS policies consist of Token-Gated and Allowlist address:

Token-Gated: The ENS owners can create a policy which requires the party that owns a certain ERC-721 token to be eligible for minting. Allowlist Address: The ENS owner can directly assigns the Ethereum address that will be eligible to mint the subdomain.

The subdomain that is minted from our website will be in the form of ERC 721 soul-bound token, where each minter can have access to the subdomains in terms of utility while representing their community through subdomains. Our aim is for the community from each respective community to adopt our products, starting from NFT projects to DAO communities.

Currently, We have just launched our product into Ethereum Mainnet. As of now, we do not collect any fee from user, you can test our product directly from our website (Gas fee is needed)

Feel Free to try our product here:

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