ENS HQ: Curating the best of ENS

The one stop shop for serious ENS investors/advocates

ENS information is spread out everywhere, especially twitter. It takes too much time and effort to find all the valuable information out there.

If you only have 5 minutes a day to find out what's the best news/tweets of the day, where do you go. And where would you recommend a friend go who is just now wanting to enter the space?

Solution: ENS HQ, the one stop shop for serious ENS investors and fans.

We are creating the best place to go for all things ENS. - Quality News/Tweet aggregation - Curated Discovery Marketplace - Courses - Newsletter - Podcast - Community for serious investors/advocates

While some of these things exist in some form, there are all siloed because they're only doing one of them. The other problem is most of the projects doing anything like this, are treating it as a hobby.

We are committed to creating a sustainable business that will flourish in the bear market as well as the bull.

Our goal is to make it easy to onboard non ENS people, and make it easy for them to stay in the loop on what is going on.

This especially includes corporations, celebrities, athletes and musicians (mainly their teams), who are slowly starting to hear about ENS and web3 domain names, and need a trustworthy place to go to get help to get onboarded.

We plan on adding a ton more to the platform over time. Please feel free to reach out to @tjlarkin23 or @ens_hq and let us know if you have any ideas to make it better or want to help with the project in any way.
