
Blockchain jobs for Web3 people


JobCrypt is a new and exciting fully decentralized EVM job board on Optimism and IPFS! What makes us different (besides having no backend) is that Job Seekers have to use Web3 to apply for roles and Employers have to use Web3 to list their roles! This makes for an exciting new recruitment paradigm!

Our Request

We are seeking grant funds to add ENS integration and enhancing the JobCrypt experience by enabling Job Seekers to apply for decentralized on chain roles using their ENS names and allowing Employers to view their applicants not as eye confusing EVM addresses but as more engaging ENS names. This will effectively add a new amazing and user friendly experience for the JobCrypt community! Working in tandem with our soon to be released JobCrypt Credential Verification Service which uses NFTs, ENS integration will make it super easy for Employers to check Web3 capable candidate skills! It will also make it much easier for Job Seekers to self promote their credentials and training!

Our Goal

Our goal is to enhance the ENS ecosystem by bringing the utility of ENS names into the exciting area of recruitment growing users and community.