EthRef | Simplifying ENS Domain Navigation

Enhancing the Usability and Accessibility of ENS Domains

About EthRef

EthRef is a user-friendly application designed to simplify interaction with Ethereum Name Service (ENS) domains.
It aggregates domain records and presents them in a clean and accessible format, creating a user-friendly landing page for your domain.

How Can I Claim My Page?

The app is live and accessible to everyone!
You can claim your EthRef page by simply typing in your ENS domain name; there's no need to connect your wallet or take any additional actions.
You can get started today at:

Editing Your Profile Links

To add or update links on your EthRef profile, simply update the records on your ENS domain through, Once you have updated your records, your links will automatically be reflected on your page.

Why ethref.eth?

The name Ethref is derived from the fusion of "ETH", and "href", a nod to the HTML link tag <a>.
The idea behind building this application is to simplify the process of using ENS domains for non-technical users. Ethref aims to empower users by providing a user-friendly platform that allows them to make the most of their ENS domain.

Use of Funds

Ethref is committed to continuously developing new features that enhance the user experience and usability. With the requested grant, we plan to integrate support for IPFS content hashes and analytics for tracking page visits and clicks, and other improvements to the application.


You can reach out to me on twitter @0xr1der to share any feedback or questions you may have.
Your input is important to me, and I look forward to hearing from you.


Thanks to the entire ENS community for your ongoing support!
I am grateful to all of our users who have provided valuable feedback and helped spread the word about EthRef!

Thanks to the EnsData team @pugson @lochieaxon @michaelbelong !

A special shout-out goes to @FlexterEth and the @ENSMaxisNFT community for their tremendous support and contributions to the app's success.
Thank you all for your support and encouragement!