Domain names, with multiple attributes like commerciality, strategy, and investment, are a crucial resource of the Internet, serving as both a network gateway and a mark of human-computer interaction in the digital era. It is also the basis support and vital engine for promoting the integration and development of the internet with various economic and social fields.
Decentralized Identity(hereinafter referred as “DID”) is an important innovation in the field of digital identity, allowing users to control personal identity information and data more autonomously. Compared with traditional domain names, DID provide better privacy protection and data security.
Till now, there have been more than 50 DID projects on the market, and still more are on their way. However, according to statistics, the current quantity of DID users is around 1 million, which accounts for less than 1% of all crypto users, hence, DID has a huge growth potential. In Fact, with more and more application scenarios being invented, DID, like web 2 domain names, will experience a massive adoption for sure.
As the first DID project, ENS has attracted more and more people's adoption. However, with the quantity of ENS domains increased explosively, some problems also occurred inevitably, for example, more and more categories are required to be added, E.G. Fandom ENS category with its subcategories including Harry Potter, Star Wars, Pokémon, etc,.
Rare.ID as a ENS dedicated platform, has been created to facilitate ENS, and we are dedicated to provide better service to the ENS community. We hereby propose that with the grant, we are going to evaluate the possibilities of adding more subcategories under the category of Fandom ENS to facilitate registrations, transactions, management and renewals of ENS domains.