Kyiv Ethereum Community event

ENS from WEB2 to WEB3

Hey, my name is Aleks, I am writing to propose a grant to support my talk on the Ethereum Name Service at the upcoming Kyiv Ethereum community event. The talk will cover the protocol's functionality, the number of users, the number of minted names, and more. The grant will be used to purchase merchandise for visitors and provide snacks and drinks for the network after the event.

The Kyiv Ethereum community regularly holds events at Unit City, which typically attract between 150 and 300 people. My talk on ENS would provide valuable insights into the protocol, which is an essential part of the Ethereum ecosystem.

The grant will be used to purchase ENS merchandise, such as T-shirts and stickers, which will be given to visitors as a way to promote the protocol. Additionally, the grant will cover the cost of snacks and drinks for the network after the event.

By providing this grant, you will help ensure the success of the Kyiv Ethereum community event and promote the use of ENS within the community. I believe that this talk will provide valuable information for attendees and inspire them to explore the potential of ENS.

Thank you for considering my proposal. I look forward to hearing from you soon.