
Build decentralised website for your ENS

1W3 - Build Web3Sites for your ENS domain on the Decentralised Web

What we are building?

1W3 is a No-code Web3site builder which helps users to create beautiful Web3Sites for their ENS domain on the Decentralised Web.1W3 lets anyone build professional-grade web3sites, seamlessly link them to ENS domains, and easily upload them to decentralized storage platforms such as IPFS or Arweave, guaranteeing the safety, security, and accessibility of their content from anywhere in the world.


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Why it matters to ENS?

Creating a decentralized website for an ENS domain can be a complex process, requiring extensive research and technical understanding of concepts such as IPFS, CID, and ENS Content Hash. This can be especially challenging for non-technical users. Because of the above challenges very fewer users build websites for their ENS domains. To address this challenge, we have developed a product that simplifies the design, build, and publishing process for web3sites on ENS domains.

Why it matters to ENS?|690x388

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Dune analytics link

Journey So far:


Our Moto: Users should own the content built using 1W3

At 1W3, we believe in empowering users to own the content they create. To achieve this goal, we have partnered with storage companies to create a mechanism that ensures content ownership is transferred to the user's wallet address when they publish a web3site to IPFS. This means that users will have complete control over their content and can access it from the storage provider's platform. With 1W3, you can create and publish content with confidence, knowing that you truly own what you create.

What users can create using 1W3

At 1W3, users have the ability to create a diverse range of content. Some examples include:

link in bio ( ENS linktree) Blogs Personal Portfolio Business websites Resume Sell domain landing page More.....

1W3 provides the flexibility and tools necessary for users to create unique and compelling content that meets their specific needs. Whether you're an individual looking to showcase your skills and experiences, or a business seeking to establish an online presence, we have the resources to help you achieve your goals. With our user-friendly interface and robust features, the possibilities are endless.

Links: A linktree alternative for the decentrallised web.

"Links" is a cutting-edge feature developed for the decentralized web presence. It offers an alternative to centralized services like Linktree, while empowering users with complete control over their personal pages. links_hid|666x500

With Links, you can create a personal page that showcases everything you are and everything you create. This includes your social media profiles, NFTs, videos, podcasts, newsletters, photos, and even your calendar. Unlike other platforms, all of your content is integrated into your personal page, which lives on the blockchain. This ensures that your content remains secure and accessible to you, no matter what.

Whether you're a content creator, entrepreneur, or simply looking to establish an online presence, Links offers the tools and features you need to succeed. With a user-friendly interface and the ability to customize your page to your unique style, Links is the perfect choice for anyone looking to take control of their online presence.

Hidayath.eth.limo links website for ENS|690x358

Link: hidayath.eth.limo

Support for Emoji and Unicode Domains hodlwizard.eth built this web3site using 1W3 for the below Emoji ENS domain Examples: tesla🤖.eth.limo

tesla🤖.eth build using 1W3 platform|410x500

Decentralised blogs

Build and manage blogs on the blockchain. It provide users with complete control over their content and design. Platforms like ENS News (https://ensnews.eth.limo/) can leverage this feature to build and manage their blog on the decentralised web.


Personal Decetralised Portfolio:

A simple drag-and-drop interface, allows users to easily add and customize different components such as text, images, and videos. Users can choose from a variety of templates to create a personalized portfolio website that best represents them.


Business Web3Sites:

Wide range of pre-designed website layouts that businesses can choose from to create their own web3site. The templates typically include a range of customizable modules like features, pricing, about, contact clients etc.


Some of the templates live on the platform Screenshot 2023-03-10 at 5.36.38 pm|400x500, 100%

How grants will help us?

Grants can be a game-changer for our project by providing us with the necessary funding to achieve our goals. With grants, we can accelerate the development of advanced features and expand the storage capacity of IPFS and Arweave to host data for web3 sites. We can also create new web3 templates that offer enhanced elements tailored to the specific needs of individuals and businesses.

In the short term, our primary focus is to launch sophisticated Link in bio templates similar to Linktree, which will allow community members to showcase their links on their ENS domains. This will provide an easy and efficient way for individuals to share their online presence while maintaining control over their digital identity. With the help of grants, we can turn this vision into a reality and create a more accessible and user-friendly web3 ecosystem that meets the needs of our growing community.
