ABI Data

Fetch smart contract ABI JSON from Etherscan to use with wagmi and ethers.js in your app.


ABI Data — abidata.net

Fetch smart contract ABI JSON from Etherscan to use with wagmi and ethers.js in your app.

This is a small open source API that makes grabbing ABI data for your Ethereum smart contracts a breeze. Smart contract ABI is cached for 365 days so sequential requests are up to 5x faster than grabbing it from Etherscan directly. You don't need any API keys to use this service — it's free and available for everyone!

Currently contracts on Mainnet and Goerli are supported with plans to expand to other chains.

What will this grant be used for?

  • Covering expenses of running the infrastructure for providing this API and keeping it free for everyone in the community for many years.
  • Additional improvements and development.
  • Providing support for developers and non-developers wanting to use ABI Data.
  • Setting up contribution bounties.

Thank you, 💕 ENS!