We are addressing the problem of lack of education for low-income youth in pacific region of Colombia creating a fundation and DAO which support initiatives and boost local projects blockchain-based and also bring high-quality educational content and courses about concepts and tutorial about how to create on web3, blockchain and cripto.
Reasons why we need it.
One of the funders and supporters got a financial problem and he has been locked funding the ongoing of the project. He is available to bring hours of execution.
We have traditional artist with a lot of art which would like to migrate from real world to Web3 [catycucalonart.com]. She has connection but we are looking for talent on 3D renderized and creating GCI. Also, we got interest for the main Artists institute of the region called "instituto de bellas ares" to create an event.
We have local universities interested on us: Universidad del Valle (public), Universidad ICESI (Private), Universidad Javeriana (Private), Universidad Santiago de Cali (Semi-Private). But we need more fuel to still dedicating hours to the project.
We are looking to increase skills and opportunities of low-income population in pacific region of Colombia thorough educational courses for low-income population.
[Links about our community] : (https://linktr.ee/ethereumcali) [Curso:Ethereum Dapps ] : (https://www.notion.so/Ethereum-Aplicaciones-Descentralizadas-Daaps-ce60fb4ca0a44f9c9e104b8c8c98702d?pvs=4)