3Pad - Your Links Revamped

Web3 Based Landing Page Platform for Content Creators

We are a Web3-based platform that provides landing pages for users. Our platform is designed to give content creators an easy-to-use framework for building and managing a single webpage or landing page. With our platform, content creators can own, control, and engage with their audience in a way that is secure, censor resistant and transparent.




  • Launch social media ad campaigns on Twitter and Instagram to target creators and collectors interested in NFTs and decentralized platforms.

  • Develop and distribute marketing materials, such as blog posts and email newsletters, to increase awareness and engagement with the platform.

  • Collaborate with popular NFT artists to create and promote their content on the platform, and leverage their followers for organic growth.


  • Implement bug bounty programs to incentivize community members to identify and report vulnerabilities or bugs on the platform.

The growth and development of the 3Pad Web3-based platform will be greatly aided by this ENS grant. In order to keep the platform current and applicable in the rapidly changing world of decentralized technologies, the grant will aid in funding ongoing development efforts. The grant will also allow the team to expand its marketing initiatives and connect with more users and content creators. This will promote the use of Web3 technologies more broadly and position 3Pad as a top supplier of safe, open, and streamlined landing pages for the decentralized web. Overall, this grant will be crucial in enabling 3Pad to fulfill its mission of giving content creators the freedom to own and manage their online presence in a decentralized, censorship-resistant way.

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