DAOhub - AI Powered knowledge base for DAOs

AI Powered knowledge base for DAOs

As a core contributer of a DAO, I know firsthand the challenges of managing a DAO. Information is scattered across various platforms, from messaging on Discord to governance forums on Discourse, bounty boards on Dework, meeting notes on Notion, and more. This fragmentation makes it difficult for members and contributors to access information conveniently when they need it. DAOhub addresses this issue by ** aggregating all these different platforms and providing an AI-powered centralized knowledge base ** where members and contributors can ask questions and receive instant, accurate answers.

We are starting to work with many DAOs including Gitcoin, Krause Hause, Human DAO and more.

Check out our demo page for Gitcoin here; https://gitcoin.daohub.xyz

We recognized the untapped potential of AI in the web3 space. Our solution leverages AI to solve a critical use case, improving information access and revolutionizing the way DAOs operate.

If you'd like to learn more about our vision; here's our mirror article; https://mirror.xyz/0x9C3C4ba068CD06Da93d31F2983298590907d3766/CAwmAQXYt4axzt62zCoyJlWWLPl4hgTfbE6ksj3gQFE