Web3 Goals (beta is released)

Social dApp that helps any person or community to achieve their goals!

❤️‍🔥 Status

I recently released a beta version on testnet and am now collecting feedback. This grant will help me fix all bugs, implement necessary features such as notifications, and release on mainnet 🚀

If you can't vote for my project, you might be interested in joining the early adopters club, looking at the app and sharing your opinion. I would appreciate it very much 😊

⚡ About

Web3 Goals is a social space that helps any person or community to achieve their goals!

The space where you can set soulbound goal with a stake, verify its achievement via smart contracts, and earn on-chain reputation. Meanwhile, your friends and followers can take the role of motivators to inspire you and also earn a reputation.

The space where your community can start a challenge to achieve a significant goal with a prize pool to boost engagement of existing members and attract new ones ones.

🔗 Links

👀 Screenshots

1. How it works

How it works

2. Account


3. Goals


4. Goal steps

Goal steps

🦄 P.S.

Wow, you really scrolled to this place! You're great 💖