
100x your dapp UX with signless transactions


Signless allows dApp enjoyoooooors to sign-in just once with their existing wallet. After signing in, transactions being made from the wallet do not require any additional signature prompts.


This aims to improve the web3 user experience to make it more accessible for the general public who is not used to signing transactions when they navigate the interwebs, and is especially useful (but not exclusively) for web3 social dapps and games.

We’ve proven the concept with Safe and Lens Clubs, and now we want to build an SDK to make it easier for other devs to also integrate signless into their dapps.


try it yourself on a Safe fork

A demonstration of Signless is implemented as a Gnosis Safe module in this repository. To enable Signless for a Safe:

First, the user must use the Signless Safe forked webapp. You can find a link to this on our website (click on "try it on Safe").

A user enables the Signless module for their Safe in the Settings/Signless tab.

The user then creates an ephemeral private key that lives in their browser's local storage.

This ephemeral key is registered as a delegate on the Signless module for this particular Safe.

After the above steps have been executed, the user will be able to browse Safe Apps without ever having to sign a transaction again (at least, until the ephemeral key expires). This is possible as the Signless Safe webapp intercepts any incoming transaction signing request, signs it with the stored ephemeral key, then submits it to the Gelato Relay network. Gas fees are paid using native tokens in the Safe.


We’ve deployed signless in Ethereum Mainnet, Gnosis Chain and Base

We will use the grant to deploy to more chains, and to develop an SDK that will make it much easier to implement signless into any dapp.