Karma - Suite of tools to improve DAO Governance

Suite of DAO tools to tip delegates, lookup delegate and tokenholders and see all delegate activity.

Karma Governance Tools

At Karma, we have been building tools to help DAOs improve their governance. We recently released a number of tools to help delegates and tokenholders in the Governance and delegation process. Below are few features we have implemented.


Anyone can find a delegate https://www.karmahq.xyz/find-contributor and tip them stablecoins on Mainnet, Optimism, Arbitrum networks. This is a great way to thank a delegate for their contribution to the DAO.

Delegate lookup

Until now, tokenholders didn't have a good way to see who they have delegated their tokens to and their delegate's activity. We have made it really easy for anyone to check their address and get info on their delegate. You can see for example: https://www.karmahq.xyz/dao/ens/delegate-lookup?addresses=buttons.eth

Delegator lookup

Delegates can easily get a list of tokenholders and voting power delegated to them by simply entering their address. You can see an example: https://www.karmahq.xyz/dao/ens/delegators/nick.eth

Find a delegate

You can find a delegate's activity across a number of DAOs in the ecosystem and delegate to them all in one place. Find a delegate through a simple search tool we have: https://www.karmahq.xyz/find-contributor

We already support a number of DAOs and plan to integrate with more. We are also building more tools to help DAOs improve their governance.