Mercury Data Health


Our project mixing AI, big data and open source for release knowledgement to mass. The medical datas during the last years grew geometrically and is very hard to all players envolved to determine what is necessary and important. We need a filter to help the decision proccess. Our mission is help to filter that with more fastning, interobelity and universal access to data. The patient has the right the to bring and take his data for where he wish, soon, is very important that the interobility works in any platform. Other important question to us is cybersecurity. The data need to be safe in any circunstances. Our main principles is about the opensource medical protocols. The protocols EHR, FHIR an HL7 are the main protocols to health applications and these are the protocols that take the medicine to informations society. The proposal is keep the datas safe, do a bridge between several protocols. Create universal protocol and bring the health to web3 ecosystem rapidly.