dra.gd - decentralised website builder

drag-and-drop builder for decentralised websites

dragd - creator toolbox for web3 dra.gd is a simple drag-and-drop interface to build functional websites for just about anything. Websites are deployed to IPFS and linked to your ENS domain.

The all new editor is designed to feel like Figma, allowing you to create unique page layouts and designs in minutes.

drag-and-drop page editor

dragd comes with reusable blocks for all kinds of purposes, such as markdown, media embeds, custom javascript, and even interacting with smart contracts.

We recently added support for IPNS, meaning you only have to link your website to your ENS name once, allowing you to update the site frequently and publish each revision to IPFS.

In the coming future, we plan to implement a way for communities to allow users to claim a subdomain. Qualifying users can claim a subdomain (like "prnth.enspunks.eth") and get their own profile page to express themselves.

Some live pages: prnth's temple of milady loveposters NFT collection

Dragd is open source, and we maintain react-dragd, a js framework for building user interfaces.

dragd - Github react-dragd - Github