@ensregistry | ENS Registrations Bot 🤖

Real-time Pulse on ENS Registrations


The @ensregistry, a bot powered by community effort, provides real-time updates on new .eth ENS domain registrations. Since its launch in December 2021, it has demonstrated steadfast resilience and adaptability, successfully navigating the recent Twitter API changes. It's an invaluable service to the ENS ecosystem and the DAO, fostering new ENS registrations and bolstering revenue. With this grant application, we seek support to refine moderation, introduce support for CCIP subdomains via strategic partnerships with offchain & L2 registrars, and sustain our mission of growth and influence within the ENS community.

Recent Updates

  • Successfully integrated support for domains & subdomains created via the ENS Name Wrapper.

Project Background

Launched 16 months ago, the @ensregistry bot has been instrumental in providing real-time updates on fresh .eth ENS domain registrations. Even in the face of Twitter API changes, we've minimized service disruption, achieving:

  • A total of 490,700 tweets.
  • An average of 1,440 tweets per day during peak times.
  • Up to 18 names per tweet during periods of high activity.

The @ensregistry bot has contributed immensely to the ENS ecosystem and the DAO by:

  • Boosting ENS domain registrations, stimulated by the real-time visibility provided by the bot.
  • Augmenting DAO revenue through the uptick in domain registrations, thereby improving financial sustainability and fostering further development.

Future Goals

To continually add value and extend the impact of the @ensregistry bot, our objectives include:

  • Introducing support for CCIP subdomains via collaborations with offchain & L2 registrars.
  • Building mechanisms to identify and eliminate spam or malicious registrations, thereby enhancing service quality.
  • Encouraging a better understanding of the subdomain landscape, stimulating growth in both primary domains and subdomains.
  • Sustaining and broadening the bot's reach within the ETH community, driving awareness and adoption of ENS domains.

Explore the @ensregistry bot in action at ENS Registry on Twitter. By backing our grant application, you'll be fueling the ongoing growth and success of the ENS ecosystem, promoting innovation, and accelerating the adoption of decentralized web spaces.