ENSFlow: One Tx to register ENS

Only 1 transaction to get your ENS name

What we do?

Currently registering a name requires 3 steps, a commit, wait, reveal. The process might be complicated for the newbee users on ENS or Ethereum.

We built ENSFlow to simplify the process. You only need to pay the invoice for the ENS names, sit back and relax, and receive the names within few minutes. Smoother experience for the user without the custodian risk.

Previous Work

The ENSFlow is based on the building blocks from the ENS community. Many thanks to Avsa, gregskril and Alextnetto for the previous work.

Avsa and Alextnetto mentioned One-transaction purchase, and included it in ENSControllerV2. IMO, it makes sense build the feature on top of ENSControllerV1, as a third party. What’s more, it’s easier to launch in production and get feedbacks from users. That’s why we built ENSFlow, which is the smart contracts built on top of ENS V1.

Scope of work

The ENSFlow includes the following core functions:

  • user pays the invoice
  • relayer blockchain monitoring / graph
  • Permissionless reveal by relayer
  • Refund if the name purchase fails

Product Preview

Name Shopping Invoice Payment and Name Delivery

Open Source

We are open-sourced with BSD 2-clause license.

ENSFlow Website: One Tx to register ENS


Mainnet Contract Address

Testnet (Goerli) Contract Address

Our Team

Freedom means we are free to choose. And we will develop decentralized applications to give users more options. Water3 is a project team of volunteer buidlers. We are committed to developing Web3 applications, and we are ENS buidlers. We are also the SIWE builder, and we’ve built ThePlaza: Twitter on ENS. Welcome to contact me: https://twitter.com/Water3Lab

ENSFlow is now beta launched and feel free to contact us for any questions or interests. Looking forward to any questions or feedbacks!