Twittens: Social ENS Twitter text-record 🔥 leverages ENS twitter text-record to help you to find NFT collectors on Twitter

👋 We are We leverage ENS twitter text-record to help you to find NFT collectors on Twitter, so you can connect with them and make new frens.

ENS is a powerful tool and it can be leverage for social connections. Twittens is powered by ENS twitter text-record, NFT ownership data and uses Twitter API. You can see the magic right now on

We also created an easy way to set up the twitter text-record on your ENS: (it's open-source!)

Other tools we created:

Please consider to support me and this project, so we can continue building great things on top of ENS! 🙏

PS: If you are missing any collection, request it and we'll add it immediately - we build this product for scale, to support all builders, artists and creators ✨