Namespace - Subname Search, Registration & Issuing

ENS Subname registration and management platform for projects and individuals

Namespace Intro

Namespace is a Subname management platform built entirely on top of the ENS protocol. It was designed to help ENS name owners (businesses and individuals) get the most value out of their Names by issuing subnames.

We built Namespace with a UI/UX in focus to make ENS subnames easy to issue and streamline the Subname adoption. We achieve this by providing specific use cases to specific groups of users, equipped with features and functionality they need the most.

The road so far

As of yesterday, September 12, we officially launched on the mainnet!

At the moment we support Selling Unruggable (Forever) Subnames. We handle burning fuses in the background so end users don't have to worry about doing it themselves alone and possibly damaging the name.

On Namespace, under Selling Unruggable (Forever) Subnames, ENS Name owners can:

  • Issue free Subnames
  • Sell Subnames and at a custom price
  • Customize the selling price based on length
  • Reserve certain Subnames for themselves
  • Whitelist wallets to mint subnames for free
  • Whitelist specific wallets to mint subnames and disallow others to mint

Our Search&Register page is the only one out there that allows new users to mint their Web3 ID from available and previously listed ENS Names that have that Web3 ID available as a Subname. It acts as the aggregate of all ENS names and allows for much broader search results whenever someone wants to register a name on ENS.

The road ahead

  • Implement Bulk Manager to optimize and make it easier and cheaper to List multiple Names at once.
  • Display Reserved Subnames and allow them to be claimed or gifted to other wallets.
  • Implement CCIP and offchain (L2) storage for Listings.
  • Add BulkWrapper functionality
  • Token-gated whitelisting to allow minting to wallets that have specific NFT
  • Improve the Free Subname issuing process
  • Explore NameSys as the official offchain record manager for Namespace.

Purpose of the grant

Just 1 ETH could cover infrastructure and other operating costs and sustain Namespace for almost a year which will greatly help us and give us additional breathing room to focus on what we do best - deliver a world-class product to all ENS owners!