ENS: Empowering Ethereum Mexico 2023

Fueling Ethereum's Future in Mexico

Ethereum Mexico is at the forefront of Ethereum's growth in Mexico, fostering education, community building, and innovation. Our 2023 initiative, Ethereum México 2023, is a landmark event set for Q4 in Mexico City, anticipating over 800 attendees. This event addresses a critical need in the Mexican Ethereum community for large-scale, local gatherings. Attendees will benefit by gaining knowledge, networking, and exploring collaboration opportunities within the Ethereum ecosystem.

Our project eliminates the necessity for individuals to travel abroad for such experiences, setting a new standard as the largest locally organized event of its kind. Additionally, we're introducing the "Road to Ethereum México," a series of in-person events connecting with local communities across Mexico, fostering decentralized growth and interactions with stakeholders.

This idea stems from the success of ETH Mexico and the growing demand within the community for a significant event like Ethereum México 2023. The core value proposition of our project is to unite, motivate, and empower the next generation of Ethereum enthusiasts, shaping a decentralized future.

We will offer benefits based on the tier of funding received in this round, with details available here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ox8bSDhXwL2U4EQPf7AfRSrtN7p7nWLsyslbEVCClEI/edit#slide=id.p

Here you can find more about our team and what we’ve been organizing since June, 2022: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1dZMfscIjI2z48pGkG3Lr_IyqpX-ONcfqUy7f7ddPbf4/edit?usp=sharing