Verified ENS Social Handles

Your verified ENS Socials (Powered by Reclaim Protocol)

What will we build

Reclaim Protocol makes https traffic verifiable using Zero-Knowledge Proofs, enabling users to generate verifiable credentials from any of their online user profiles. Currently, the process for linking social handles to an ENS profile lacks direct verification from the respective social media platforms/data providers. This means that someone can falsely claim ownership of a social media handle, such as stating they control (see below) the 'punk256' Twitter account or 'nick's' Telegram handle, without actually owning those accounts. This gap in the verification process opens up possibilities for impersonation and misrepresentation.

Impersonation Example

Impersonation Example

Using Reclaim and through our integration with ENS, we will empower ENS users to link verified social profiles to their ENS names to avoid impersonation attacks and ensure authenticity, thereby enhancing trust and credibility within the ecosystem.

About Reclaim Protocol

Reclaim protocol empowers users to generate Zero-Knowledge Proofs for any online user profile. To generate a claim, users first need to log into the relevant website. This login process, involving an HTTPS request and its subsequent response, is channeled through an HTTPS Proxy Server known as an 'attestor'. This attestor oversees the encrypted data exchange between the user and the website. Subsequently, users provide keys that disclose non-sensitive parts of the request to the attestor. With this, the attestor can view the request in its entirety, barring confidential details like authentication data, and can confirm its legitimacy.

The website's encrypted response is then processed by a zk-circuit, which identifies a regex match within the encrypted data using a decryption key as a confidential input. The attestor further validates that the zk-circuit's public input was indeed the encrypted data sourced from the website. With these attestations on both the request and the encrypted response, coupled with the zk-proof, any third-party application, whether on-chain or off-chain, can verify the existence of data that exists on the user’s profile.

Demo with Uber as the provider -

Website - Whitepaper -

Blog -

Github -


  • Deploying Reclaim to Ethereum
  • Reclaim <> ENS Integration
  • Comprehensive documentation, blogposts, and community calls within the ENS community and developers aimed at educating ENS community members and developers on the process of social handle verification
  • Marketing and branding initiatives for ENS users who have authenticated their ENS handles via this integration

Purpose of the grant

Small funding support from the ENS community will enable us to cover our integration and operational expenses, allowing us to concentrate our efforts on establishing ENS as one of the most reliable and trusted communities in the space.