Odisea Labs

Research and venture lab driving technological and cultural innovation in emerging markets

Odisea Labs is dedicated to building, researching, scaling, and creating projects that push forward crypto adoption in emerging markets. Everything we ship is open source, ensuring maximum reach across the industry:

  • Last Mile DeFi Report: a 50-page report that outlines the future of DeFi in Latin America. We outline the gaps and opportunities for peer-to-peer economic networks to drive societal change.
  • Last Mile DeFi Podcast: a 10-part series published in both Spanish and English, where we speak with key leaders and builders in the crypto ecosystem in LatAm.
  • Odisea Podcast: the evolution of the Last Mile DeFi podcast, the Odisea Podcast serves as an exploration towards unconvering crypto's real world utility and adoption, both through audio-visual content, as well as accompanying research and writing pieces. In Odisea, we speak with key leaders in the crypto ecosystem to unpack where we can continue to collectively build more useful and impactful protocols and applications to reach mass-adoption.

What's next? We have a number of projects in the works coming up, here are two nearest projects we are going to be shipping:

  • Odisea Season 3: we are going to be producing the third season of the podcast where we will continue to explore and discuss how we can take distributed systems to more people around the world. This Season will focus on crypto's utility in marginalized communities, where we will both discuss case studies as well as future development roadmaps.
  • Crypto x Game Theory Research: the next piece of research we are going to be working on will conduct a thorough anaylsis of the interesection between game theory and crypto protocols. The research will be based on a literature review, interviews with leading economists and cryptographers, and will be shared in both an audio-visual format and written form.

With the support of the ENS DAO's Small Grants program, we can continue to produce free research and educational material to drive further adoption and utility of cryptographically secured distributed systems globally. Thank you for your support!