The State of the DAOs by the Web3 Citizen Guide

Open-source project focused on facilitating the understanding of the Web 3 Ecosystem.

The State of the DAOs 2023 is the inaugural project of the Web3 Citizen Guide.

The Guide will include an overview of the state of DAO governance and DAO design in 2023, including a DAO landscape, where we aim to present a comprehensive analysis on 15 DAOs.

Including The State of ENS DAO 2023 by Web3 Citizen Guide.

Reports on individual DAOs will review their decentralized structures, DAO design, voting processes, and ways to contribute within each DAO.


Understanding DAOs and their mechanisms proves challenging, even for knowledgeable Web 3 enthusiasts. This knowledge gap often results in missed opportunities within the DAO landscape.

Our inaugural guide aims to break down in an easy-to-understand way the current DAO landscape, DAO governance design and design strategies, and ways to contribute within it.

How your donation helps

While we have published an initial guide providing insights on DAOs researched during our initial phase, our goal is to expand our research.

We are seeking funding to further develop the guide by studying rewarding and sustained participation mechanisms and researching more key DAOs in the current DAO landscape.

Progress & Milestones

The development Web3 Citizen Guide is being carried out in several stages.

Initial research - Done ✅

  • Initiated data collection in July 2023 to comprehensively understand the DAO landscape and governance framework of more than ten DAOs.
  • Ensured a review of the guide by community members and DAO representatives to gather valuable insights.
  • Initial guide published during Devconnect with plans for continuous updates.

Feedback - Ongoing 🌱

  • Gathering feedback through strategic sharing across diverse Web3 platforms.

Expanding our research - Upcoming 🚀

  • Research on 4 more DAOs: Uniswap DAO, Aave DAO, Gitcoin DAO, and Starknet DAO.
  • Further research into DAOs with emerging governance: Connext DAO and Polygon DAO.
  • Writing individual reports with our findings, including their structures, DAO design, and contribution pathways.
  • Delve into research on reward mechanisms to increase participation and sustained engagement strategies.
  • Publishing our final Guide with our findings through our website to make it accessible to all.

Projected Impact

With more than 300+ readers of our MVP guide, our goal is to reach 1,000 by the end of Q4 of 2023. The Guide will act as a catalyst, fostering broader informed engagement with DAO initiatives and DAO structures.

  • Amplified understanding of decentralized governance and DAOs within the Web3 community.
  • Increased participation on projects from ArbitrumDAO and other studied DAOs.
  • Empowered informed contribution to decision-making processes and discussions in the DAO.

About us

The Web3 Citizen Guide is an open-source project focused on facilitating the understanding of the Web 3 Ecosystem.

Our main objective is to help Web3 citizens bridge the gap between surface-level knowledge and becoming well-versed in current topics, enabling them to bring informed contributions to projects that match their interests.

Additional information

Our team is comprised of 3 contributors with the necessary expertise in decentralized technologies and community-driven initiatives to develop the project comprehensively.

X/Twitter: w3citizenguide


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You can find our initial MVP Guide at The State of ENS DAO 2023 by Web3 Citizen Guide