Swaplace is a P2P DEX, Ownerless, Open-source, Cross-Chain and Feeless environment for Swaps and OTC market. The project's goal is to create an infrastructure capable of being modular to create new approaches of swaps above it, this allows the community to use it as an SDK for new business models and businesses to use HTML for integrating into their apps.
Liquidity Pools come with inherent constraints, particularly for coins with smaller market capitalization and lower liquidity. Traders dealing with lower-cap assets frequently encounter significant impacts in terms of price differences and slippage. Platforms like Swaplace offer traders an alternative space for the purchase and sale of tokens.
An OTC is a market for trading anything, much like Swaplace. It is P2P but also P2N, allowing users to decide to trade with one person or be open to anyone. Furthermore, beyond the completeness of the dApp itself, we are an infrastructure that enables people to build on top of the Swaplace technology. This allows the creation of diverse dApps and protocols, fostering the growth ecosystems with ease.
The platform facilitates P2N, offering seamless transactions and the potential for cross-chain functionality. Firstly utilizing the ERC20 and ERC712 swap model, Swaplace prioritizes its focus on the OTC market, contributing to the infrastructure growth of the entirely ecosystem. In the V1, the platform looks forward to integrating cross-chain technology through CCIP (to unlock the liquidity of various chains), showcasing its dedication to innovation and expanding user opportunities.
Right now we delivered 90% of the smart contracts necessary for running the V1 of the protocol, as you can see on our GitHub in the links below.
We are at this right moment finishing the landing page and dApp for the application being used with a great UX and implementing CCIP (cross-chain) for swaps in a bunch. Bellow in “milestone” we show accurately how de roadmap will be.
Side-by-side to this we are building and planning a community-driven protocol, we are setting up GitHub Projects to receive feedback from the community and to share news about the development itself.
And the other hand, we are planning the V2 of the protocol, SDK and HTML, with new functions that we are very excited to show to the community.
Here is a video showing the User Experience for swapping assets in Swaplace. https://youtu.be/7Evs-Sn6Px8
Swaplace was born as an Open-source project designed for Public Goods applications. Started with the idea of being a community-driven construction, as the contracts cannot be upgraded, have no ownership, don't charge fees, their complex mechanics should be built by the community using the interface of Swaplace, there are no external contract dependencies and the protocol itself operates using allowances.
For sure that we will continue the development of Swaplace dApp and Infrastructure. In one hand, we want to build features as Chatting, Order matching, notifications on chain, HTML applications for dApps that wants an interface like that. And in the side of the Infrastructure, we will build new functions like Functions Swap, this will allow user swap functions like Ownership, voting delegate, function calls and approvals.
Our metrics of success rely both in Development and Community interfaces.
The first one, related to the Development side is:
The second one, related to the Dev Community Engagement
Blockful provides DeFi infrastructure and Smart Contract creation services for protocols, DAOs, financial institutions, fintechs, and entrepreneurs with blockchain projects.