QuizCaster - engaging education for all!

Introducing Web3 Education "inFrame" with Farcaster frames.

For too long Web3 education has been siloed!

We need solutions that help educate new and experienced users - targeted where the users are. We need effortless and frictionless "no shill" content that educates facts on projects, products and best practices. Think, "wallet health" and "what is [topic]..." - clear and concise bite size education.

At QuizCaster we believe in “inFrame” (Farcaster Frames) technology. The extension to the open graph API is genius and having capability to composite Apps and Dapps into social is a game changer! We believe that QuizCaster with inFrame solutions can help level up the masses much faster than siloed education can. What ledger and many projects and products provide is great content, but it is siloed and you have to know the product and connect a wallet to access. Much of the content is also gated which can limit education from those who truly seek it. We believe in the opposite, welcoming everyone. inFrame solutions naturally support this frictionless experience and can still offer onChains aspects like NFT mints and any other onChain or fid (farcaster id) powered gamified aspects. Think BoringSecurity but bite sized, social and on Twitter (although it’s Farcaster & Warpcast)!

As wallets, onboarding and social become more of a "same or better than Web2" experience we believe the space needs funding to ensure education follows suit and shills and scams are prevented as much as possible!

Our values: We believe in immersive and onCulture content with no shill. We believe the space needs more established and trusted impartial channels and Farcaster/Warpcast is a great and nascent space for this and one that naturally intersects with Web2 users. We believe this is an ideal time for us to continue building out our education products and build a brand, a style and a clearer strategy to create a system to post content more regularly! Much of our work over the past months has been testing, getting to know the technology and effort and now we are ready to push on.

Objectives / Roadmap. We want to allocate time to the following tasks which we believe will expedite forward our initial work and help us shape a valuable educational resource.

Immediate tasks:

  • Build on prior work to create a system / frame that enables us to post quickly and weekly
  • Create a simple branding that will be used for continuity
  • Extend our backlog of content
  • Investigate frame analytics solutions so that we can build, measure and learn fast


  • Research into creating and supporting our own Farcaster channel
  • Evolve gamification, using fid (FarcasterID) for users completion leaderboards etc.
  • Stretch goal - R&D into adding $degen rewards (gamification), integration and potentially become degen supported.

We would love the chance to receive an ENS small grant to continue this initiative as we seek to socially up skill and onboard the future onChain generations by providing quality inFrame experiences and content on Farcaster, Warpcast and other onChain social platforms which in time support frames!

Below is a collection of our work since we started in March illustrating steady momentum towards our goal and an indication of why you can trust that any level of grant will have an impact in progressing us forward towards our outlined goals.

QuizCaster Projects work to date:

We formed our team and started our work at EthLDN earlier this year and then continued building and creating just 3 months ago! Here are some of our successes and learnings since going down our rabbit hole earlier this year at EthLDN back in March:

Our original QuizCaster project! This was build in a weekend and received well by sponsors and judges. The judging panel put our project forward into round 2 of judging: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/quizcaster-r08wj

Adventure, a follow up frame developed to test gaming capabilities of how far we could push frames: https://ethglobal.com/showcase/adventure-q1b38

Our portfolio of frames developed which includes frames we created for Lil Nouns which tested storytelling the projects purpose and a follow up frame to display onChain data for the Lil Noun DAO and Auctions for users within Farcaster: https://framemaker-qbvawj6wl-davebrewers-projects.vercel.app

Thank you for considering our ENS Public Goods Application!