Decentralized Book Publishing

Publish books with ENS and make it immutable and censorship-resistant.

Decentralized Publishing refers to a system where content is published and distributed without relying on a central authority or intermediary.

Vision: A novel and permission-less publishing method using the Ethereum public network, with the help of ENS and IPFS technology. By utilizing other services such as Fleek and LIMO, it is possible to create static websites ideal for short and long-form publishing. Authors are enabled to publish their manuscripts in a way that cannot be censored and does not rely on Trusted Third Parties (TTPs).

How it works:

• ENS -- used to register a unique title and store a text record or an IPFS hash.
• -- makes it easy to build websites and apps on the new open web, used to compile and upload static sites into the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS).
• ETH.LIMO -- privacy-preserving ENS gateway for resolving records and associated IPFS. LIMO allows users and dApp developers to effortlessly access and host static sites built with a combination of IPFS/IPNS/Arweave and ENS.

Mission: Publishing a book on ENS should be as easy as creating a site with WordPress. For authors who are not familiar with Git, Fleek, and LIMO, there should be a simple way to register and ENS, copy/paste their manuscripts, and publish on the Ethereum network. Further augmentation such as book styling, paywall, and text-to-voice narration (to enable audiobook functionality) should be added for readers' convenience and to allow authors to monetize their content.


  1. Create a portal for decentralized publishing with instructions on how to register an ENS name for a book title.
  2. Create an environment for users to be able to copy/paste their manuscripts and generate a static website.
  3. Enable users to upload a static website site to IPFS and publish by attaching it to the ENS name.

This grant will pave a new way for readers to discover books and for authors to publish, own, and distribute their work!