
EnsExplorer returns all information about registered .eth domain

ENS Explorer ENS Explorer allows users to search for ENS (Ethereum Name Service) names and retrieve comprehensive details about each domain. This includes information such as the owner, registrant, addresses, registration date, expiry date, and price. The project is built using React.js for the frontend, hosted on Fleek, and utilizes IPFS for decentralized storage.

Project Details Features Search Functionality: Users can search for ENS names. Comprehensive Details: Retrieve information about the owner, registrant, addresses, registration date, expiry date, and price. Decentralized Storage: Utilizes IPFS for secure and decentralized data storage. Modern Frontend: Built with React.js for a smooth and responsive user experience. Technology Stack Frontend: React.js Hosting: Fleek Storage: IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) Future Plans We are constantly looking to enhance the ENS Explorer with new features and improvements. Here are some of the key areas we plan to focus on:

UI/UX Improvements We aim to hire more developers to enhance the user interface and user experience, making the platform more intuitive and visually appealing.

New Features Advanced Search Filters: Allow users to filter search results based on various criteria. Domain Analytics: Provide detailed analytics and insights about each ENS domain. User Profiles: Enable users to create profiles and manage their domains more effectively. Notification System: Implement a notification system to alert users about important updates related to their ENS domains.

contact mail - ayushsinghmi712@gmail.com