
Giving NFTs ENS names


What is persona?

Persona is a platform that enables web3 users to create what we call "personas". Personas are Tokenbound Accounts (ERC6551s) that require an ENS name for creation. Additionally, users may set records using ENS - the following of which are default options (Farcaster Id, Discord, Github, LinkedIn, Telegram, X).

Tokenbound Accounts can connect to apps, send and receive multichain assets, behaving as a wallet. They are also tradable. This opens up the opportunity for a new market, where buckets of assets are traded along with ENS names. People are exited to buy not just an image, but a personality with status.

Users may select existing NFTs, or use our own collection to create a persona.

Why persona?

Persona is a component of the web3 identity stack. We believe that anyone, anywhere in the world should be able to go online (onchain) and earn crypto from doing creative work. We see blockchains as canvases for creation. For users to interact with this canvas, they will need a profile and a paint brush - or a vehicle through with they can express their work, or join others.

Persona is a foundational system for the canvas of web3 - giving users a profile, and the instruments they need to do creative acts onchain.

Why ENS?

Not only is ENS a global namespace for EVM chains, it also has incredible cultural value. Names can be anonymous, pseudo-anonymous, or real. Users can set arbitrary records to associate names with other things, and they are tradable. We believe these are essential cultural elements for the web3 identity stack.

The web3 profiling system should not map a human face to an onchain identity on a one-to-one basis. They should be created on a one-to-many basis, in a creative plug-and-play fashion with ENS.

Other features, plans

Persona's can connect to apps as mentioned, and we plan on heavily introducing the concept of soulbound tokens in this design pattern. We plan on creating a smart wallet as a browser extension, that will enable users to connect their persona's to different apps with a smooth UX. The goal is to enable persona's to accumulate soulbound tokens in different categories, establishing their merit in a given context - which can then be used to earn money in our community platform, and participate in other governance systems.

An example of this would be connecting their persona to uniswap and making 1000 swaps over a given time. The user could earn a soulbound token that demonstrates their skin in the game on the uniswap platform, which can then be used in the uniswap DAO, or proposals that involve swapping functionality in other DeFi apps.

We plan on leveraging Airstack to enable persona's to establish connections through commonalities. For example, two persona's might both have the same soulbound token earned from doing 1000 swaps on uniswap, or they might have the same ETH NYC Hacker POAP. Our Airstack integration will help them identify this, and they can quickly begin chatting with XMTP on the platform.

We're also working to integrate the Ethereum Follow Protocol to let two persona's follow each other. This will enable one persona to view the stream of activity of another persona - whether its onchain activity, or activity from the profiles they linked in their ENS name. For example if I included by github handle, I could enable a feed of my issues, commits and other activity there in real-time. This we believe is a novel feature. Letting people build their social graph and establish provenance onchain - then creating link-backs to web2 accounts they control, but don't necessarily own.

Connect with us

We are very passionate about the work we're doing, and we love to connect with folks in the community.

Find us on:

Ping Daniel @DOA_man on telegram or @fem1bimpe on twitter for a demo of our V1 platform.