ENS Podcast Ads On ETH Daily

Publish ENS Audio Podcast Ads And Syndicate To ~1k Listeners


An authentic host-read ENS advertisement will be published every weekday on podcast episodes released by ETH Daily, a daily podcast and newsletter covering the latest in Ethereum. ENS Small Grants will effectively be the Sponsor of the podcast for a 60-day period. The podcast reaches 10k monthly unique listens. ETH Daily also has 84 newsletter subscribers and 581 Twitter followers.




Sponsorship is effective from October 1, 2022, and ends on December 1, 2022.


The advertisement will be placed in the pre-roll section of each episode, after the introduction. A brief description of ENS and a link to ethdaily.link/ens (which redirects to ens.domains) will be placed in episode show notes. An ENS logo and link to ethdaily.link/ens (which redirects to ens.domains) will be placed in each newsletter.


The advertisement will feature the following (spoken) copy:

This podcast is made possible by ENS Small Grants. ENS is the most widely integrated blockchain naming standard. It allows users to map blockchain identifiers, such as wallet addresses, to human-readable names. Register your “.eth” domain name today by visiting ethdaily.link/ens.

ENS Benefits

This campaign will expand ENS brand awareness to hundreds of new users. A daily advertisement creates constant touch points with users, increasing their likeness to register an ENS domain. This will also bring awareness to the ENS Small Grants program.

ETH Daily will provide continued coverage of ENS ecosystem news (see examples in the Links section). An update with download stats is posted monthly on the ETH Daily Gitcoin Grants page. The number of link clicks and stats from this campaign will be posted.

Grant Use

This grant will be used to help cover operational costs of producing the podcast, including, but not limited to: podcast hosting services, domain registration, audio editing software, image editing software, analytics tools, and audiogram software.
