Public Goods Scholarships
6K USDC/mo
Voting closed 111 weeks ago

This scholarship is for people who are focused on public goods on a broader scope that benefits the entire Ethereum or Web3 space. Our intention was to find developers, artists, writers, community builders and anyone who has been working on public goods but are not being sufficiently rewarded for it.

The top 6 voted nominees will each receive a 12,000 USDC grant, streamed 1,000 USDC per month for 12 months starting December 2022. The funding for this scholarship is sponsored by the ENS Public Goods Working Group.

The grant comes with no strings attached. Our hope is the recipients use the funding to keep dedicating their talent to public goods and web3, and to try to communicate with the community openly about it.

Click on the nominee to read the summary from their nominations.

Voting ends December 13, 2022 at 11:59pm UTC.